Exploring Authentication Vulnerability
Deep Dive into Authentication and type of Authentication Vulnerability
What is Authentication and Authentication Vulnerability?
Authentication identifies the user and confirms that they are who they say they are. It's a very important as well as critical functionality for any software. There may be different types of authentication methods -
- HTML Form-Based Authentication
- Windows Integrated Authentication using NTLM
- Multi-factor Authentication etc ........
Authentication Vulnerability arises from insecure implementation of the authentication mechanism of an application.
Types of Authentication Vulnerabilities -
Weak Password Requirements -
This arises due to having no or minimal control over the quality of the user's password.
What to check for?
- very short or blank password
- common dictionary words or names
- use of default password
- The password is the same as the username
- missing or ineffective MFA
Possible Attacks - dictionary-based brute force attacks, MFA bypass
Improper Restrictions of Authentication Attack -
This arises due to the absence of rate limiting or account lockout functionality after multiple incorrect login attempts.
What to check for?
- Multiple incorrect login attempts
- Unlimited requests to the following pages - - login - MFA/OTP pages - Change Password page
Possible Attacks - brute force attack, Botnet attack, Denial of Service attack, account takeover etc.
Insecure forget password functionality -
Design weaknesses in the forgotten password functionality usually make the weakest link that can be used to attack application's overall authentication logic.
What to check for?
- Too much trust in the user's input in the reset password page (like - token, username etc.)
- Missing check if the user has requested to reset the password
- Password reset token remains valid after a successful reset
- Improper check for validity of the token
Possible Attacks - brute force attack, account takeover etc.
Verbose error messages -
The error message generated by the website gives more than the information required by the user.
What to check for?
- Incorrect username message for incorrect username
- Incorrect password message for incorrect password
Possible Attacks - information disclosure, brute force attack etc.
Vulnerable transmission of credentials -
The error message generated by the website gives more than the information required by the user.
What to check for?
- HTTPS to HTTP downgrade or no redirects from http to https version of the website
- TLS version downgrade
Possible Attacks - account takeover, cookie stealing etc.